YariKartoshe4ka2020-03-23 20:17:28
YariKartoshe4ka, 2020-03-23 20:17:28

How to install LineageOS instead of recovery?

I want to install LineageOS next to android. Can I make it so that the android is on the phone, and the second OS is on the sd card, and when the recovery is turned on, it turns on. If yes, can you please provide detailed instructions.

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2 answer(s)
Gregory, 2020-03-23

Everything depends very much on the device, if someone has assembled it for your device, then why not ...
But I think it's better to look for the answer to this question on the thematic forum in the device theme, for example, 4pda, xda

Dmitry Aleksandrov, 2020-03-23

It is possible, there are many ways. But in all cases there are some nuances and most importantly, the firmware \ kernel \ boot, depending on the dual boot option, will have to be assembled with pens.

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