Ever-Green2017-05-04 08:49:28
Ever-Green, 2017-05-04 08:49:28

How to include a font in sass?

I just can’t find a full-fledged example of including a font in sass, even if I find it, it doesn’t work for me.
For example:

    font-family:'Font' // Коала ругает эту строку
    src: url('Font.eot')
    src: url('Font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('Font.woff2') format('woff2'), // И эту
        url('Font.woff') format('woff'),
        url('Font.ttf') format('truetype'),
        url('Font.svg#SF UI Display Bold') format('svg')
    font-weight: 700
    font-style: normal
    font-stretch: normal
    unicode-range: U+0020-00FE

Many show this as an example, but personally it does not work for me.
Submit an example please

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2 answer(s)
Mary Solar, 2017-05-04

This is how it works for me:

  font-family: "vera-crouz"
  src: url(../fonts/vera-crouz.ttf)
  src: url(../fonts/vera-crouz.eot)
  src: url(../fonts/vera-crouz.woff)

all font declarations should be one after another, + without commas
was also a problem, I asked this question here:

Maxim, 2018-07-12

@mixin font-face($font-family, $file-path, $weight: normal, $style: normal, $asset-pipeline: false )
    font-family: $font-family
    font-weight: $weight
    font-style: $style

    @if $asset-pipeline == true 
      src: font-url('#{$file-path}.eot')
      src: font-url('#{$file-path}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), font-url('#{$file-path}.woff') format('woff'), font-url('#{$file-path}.ttf') format('truetype')
      src: url('#{$file-path}.eot')
      src: url('#{$file-path}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('#{$file-path}.woff') format('woff'), url('#{$file-path}.ttf') format('truetype')

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