Denis Bukreev2016-12-25 13:37:59
Denis Bukreev, 2016-12-25 13:37:59

How to get google-map with such color scheme?

So it goes. There is a map
on the site www.kalinka-realty.ru/gorod .
It's not the standard Googlemap color scheme - how do you get one?

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1 answer(s)
_ _, 2016-12-25

getMapOptions: function() {
                return {
                    zoom: this.getMapZoom(),
                    center: this.getMapCenter(),
                    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
                    disableDefaultUI: !0,
                    zoomControl: !1,
                    scaleControl: !1,
                    panControl: !1,
                    styles: [{
                        featureType: "poi",
                        stylers: [{
                            visibility: "off"
                    }, {
                        featureType: "administrative.locality",
                        stylers: [{
                            visibility: "off"
                    }, {
                        featureType: "poi.park",
                        elementType: "geometry",
                        stylers: [{
                            visibility: "on"
                        }, {
                            color: "#f3f2f1"
                    }, {
                        featureType: "poi.park",
                        elementType: "labels",
                        stylers: [{
                            visibility: "off"
                    }, {
                        featureType: "landscape.natural",
                        stylers: [{
                            visibility: "on"
                        }, {
                            color: "#f3f2f1"
                    }, {
                        featureType: "landscape",
                        elementType: "geometry.fill",
                        stylers: [{
                            color: "#f9f8f7"
                    }, {
                        featureType: "water",
                        stylers: [{
                            hue: "#0091ff"
                        }, {
                            lightness: 23
                    }, {
                        featureType: "road",
                        elementType: "geometry.fill",
                        stylers: [{
                            hue: "#ff9900"
                        }, {
                            saturation: -62
                        }, {
                            lightness: 57
                    }, {
                        featureType: "road.highway",
                        elementType: "geometry.stroke",
                        stylers: [{
                            saturation: -57
                        }, {
                            lightness: 45
                    }, {
                        featureType: "landscape.man_made",
                        elementType: "geometry.stroke",
                        stylers: [{
                            color: "#d1d4d6"

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