Eugene Kadzin2019-04-06 15:46:21
Eugene Kadzin, 2019-04-06 15:46:21

How to form a team for an IT company?

Hello! I would be very grateful if someone can answer in detail the question that I have described below. Thank you very much in advance.
Now I am at the stage of turning a well-thought-out idea into reality. I will not go into details, but I will write the general features so that you have an impression.
My company is based on a "mono-product" - this means that all activities will be tied to one idea, which will be solved by our ecosystem. Since everything is at the idea stage, it was decided to start with the development of a native ios application + Chrome extension + landing (this, so to speak, will be an MVP). After entering the market, an application for Android, a web-app and an apple watch app will be developed, and, accordingly, a full-fledged website.
The budget for the MVP release is $50,000. The application is designed for the American market (at least MVP). As for difficulty, it's hard to say. I studied a lot of material and talked with experts, which is why I concluded that the development of such an MVP will take at least 6 months. (Again, everything is very very very exaggerated and approximate)
And what is my dilemma... Since in the future it will still be one application (for different devices) and additional functions will be added to it, I thought it would be better to form a team with which we will develop MVP and, in the future, we will add new features and expand on Android, Watch, Web. I do not have a technical background (I understand the basics, terminology and development principles, but superficially). So I had a question how to form a team?
I am a very fast learner and understand everything pretty quickly. I studied a lot of material about the formation of an It team, who participates in the development of certain things, and so on. But, unfortunately, I could not find answers to narrowly focused questions. I also understand that in an ideal world, I would need a CTO to deal with these issues. But, for now, we will take it into account, well, since I myself want to understand the mechanics and principles.
Why did I talk about MVP. In order for you to understand what stages of development will need to be closed. Everything that concerns ideas, analytics, business processes, marketing, we will omit. Therefore, if you really exaggerate, then the Development of my MVP will consist of: DESIGN - DEVELOPMENT - TESTING - LAUNCH AND SUPPORT. Based on this, I concluded that it is necessary for this: UI / UX designer, IOS Developer (Objective C, SWIFT), QA specialist, Back-End developer (not sure, but the application is quite complex, so most likely it is needed) , PM (again, from the information I get saddles the conclusion is that without it it could be pzdts.).
With those who need to understand. And now the question arises. How to work with these people? As consultants, freelancers, part-time for 4 hours, or full time for 8. It is clear that when you give outsource to a company that has all these specialists, they solve this issue, but, as I said, I don’t need a product which will be developed and then it will need to be updated and slightly improved - this is a full-fledged ecosystem in which new functions will be added, various hypotheses will be tested, etc. Therefore, I decided that it is better to form a team that will already be familiar with the application (we will collect MVP) and that can work in the future with a complete understanding of the product and idea.
UX/UI designer - I'm 95% sure it should be a freelancer. For example, he will draw all the screens, make an interactive model, and then what? Only edits. During development, he has no work, so paying for full or part time is stupid. The same, I think, also applies to QA specialist - to hire him at the end. But here I’m not sure anymore, because I don’t know exactly how testing is carried out and at what stages. Let's say I hire him part-time. And you need to test under every week or every 3-4 days. What will he do during this time? It's the same with developers. It is clear that they are at full time during development, but then what? When did the app enter the market? While advertising campaigns, optimization, content... Will the developer have a job to pay full time?
Finishing my story, we came to the final stage of the question. You have heard in general terms about the project. Do you think it's worth hiring at least some full-time specialists? Or did you work with everything by design? Will they have a job not to pay for downtime?
Ps I don’t know if it’s even possible to ask such long questions and whether someone will read it, but in any case I’m still unlikely to get an answer anywhere. Thank you for reading.

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4 answer(s)
qoso, 2019-04-06

Yes, at least you shovel all the sites and learn by heart which programmers are and which ones are needed, you DO NOT have COMPETENCES to interview them, you will not be able to simply understand which of them is really good, and who is yesterday’s jun, thinking that everything can. You see, it’s not for nothing that in the world of startups there is a golden rule that if there is no techie in a startup, then goodbye. You need not just programmers, you need an experienced engineer who will correctly design the system and lead the development. So find a normal service station and save yourself a lot of problems.

abmanimenja, 2019-04-06

I studied a lot of material and talked with experts, which is why I concluded that the development of such an MVP will take at least 6 months.

You are hiring a qualified professional.
It's called the technical director.
Further with him and decide. They will be freelancers either in the state, etc.
The technical director is the only one who should be given a share (in addition to salary).
All the rest - for a salary.

Vladimir Ionov, 2019-04-08

Hire someone who will write technical specifications. Without TK, catch HZ. If the team is now loose, then employees should understand what they are ultimately creating. For example, the technical director will leave and take away the employees. Can you reproduce what their final vision was? For this, TK is needed. Teams change - the essence remains.
Find a support person. New commands after release have a lot of bugs. Make sure that the Support - QA - Client - Server chain works and vice versa. Since you are doing a service for a foreign market, the support specialist must know English. Not at the level of "I understand with Google Translate", but at the level of "when Translate lies, I will understand anyway."
Take team leads full-time, employees - according to the situation. If you do not take leads to the full, then they will not be in the same boat with you. They will be pleased to know that there is an alternate airfield, but they will not plow. For ordinary employees at the start-up stage, freelancing is better. Transfer everything you can there until you find out who is worth what.
Find a CRM system. It is very difficult to work on one project and communicate through different channels. If you want to find information, you will not find the ends. It will take time at the start, but then it will pay off. In addition, it will be easier for employees to control access to projects. For example, an employee left - disconnected from the project - the information was not stolen.

mailsnai, 2019-10-03

In such situations, it is best to hire the entire team to develop mvp. So, for example, did Delivery Club. And then transfer the development to your company.
Here you can see tips for choosing such a team.

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