andwin2017-03-09 20:34:43
Game development
andwin, 2017-03-09 20:34:43

How to find out which object is under another?

How to find out which object is under another, so that you can change it (for example, delete it)?

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2 answer(s)
KickMicro, 2017-03-09

As an option, hang a raycast down script on the desired object, and watch the result (this is for the unit, but I think it is suitable for all engines). well, or just in each frame to process the comparison of the z axis of objects

Pparma, 2017-03-10

If there are not many objects, then you can use Vector2.Distance between the positions of objects, excluding the coordinates along the Y axis.
Rather, it would be better to calculate Vector2.sqrMagnitude - faster.

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