AZGAMD2014-10-16 23:20:46
AZGAMD, 2014-10-16 23:20:46

How to find out the password (not reset) from the BIOS on the ASUS P8H77-MLE motherboard?

How to find out the password (not reset) from the BIOS on the ASUS P8H77-MLE motherboard ?
From what I know:
- My BIOS is from AMI ;
- universal passwords that I found did not fit;
- I tried the CMOSPWD utility, except for the memory dump, I did not find anything interesting.
PS You need to find out the password, not reset it.
PSS As a last resort, at least bypass the password.

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1 answer(s)
Alejandro Esquire, 2015-09-05

How? My personal opinion is that this is not fair on your part. After all, you do not administer this computer, you are not responsible for it, and access to startup in Setup was limited just to exclude unauthorized access to the PC from users who do not have the appropriate rights. Universal passwords didn’t fit, so it’s not fate, you won’t be able to refer to the fact that you got access there due to the presence of vulnerabilities in Bios. Do something useful.
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