Dmitry2020-10-20 15:34:04
Dmitry, 2020-10-20 15:34:04

How to find a hosting for a discord bot written in python3?

I wrote my bot in python3 (discord.py library), I use it only on my server. I want to throw it on a free hosting so that it always hangs online, but never did. Help solve this problem.

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Boyko, 2020-10-20

Hello. Try it in the role of heroku hosting, I have already done many projects there, and there is python support there. Googled on the Internet, it tells how to deploy to the server.
PS Here is an example on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPvg9bndP1U

Mikhail Muntyan, 2020-10-20

Pretty simple hosting -

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