HardDrinker2015-09-15 10:40:34
Project management
HardDrinker, 2015-09-15 10:40:34

How to find a business partner in Podolsk?

Good afternoon, everyone who paid attention to my question. It is not unique, and many of you have probably come across it.
I am developing software for the end customer in the city of Podolsk near Moscow. There are a number of completed projects for the automation of warehouse complexes. There is a company, an office and even orders. It would seem that everything you need is already there. However, I still have the feeling that the tasks are being solved slowly, there are no prospects for development, and I myself will soon burn out for this lesson.
I started to ask staffing questions. Searched through friends, tried ads, etc. The result is not what I expected. Because, as I later realized myself, I am looking for a partner, but I find hired employees. And how can I explain to a person whom I see for the first time in my life that I do not need specialized knowledge from him, but a fire in his eyes and a desire to develop a business using his professional skills?
I want to ask how other people solve this issue? How to find a partner(s) for long-term cooperation? Perhaps with a share in the company, a salary, and other types of motivation that I could provide.
Which search methods are effective and which are not?

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5 answer(s)
Radmir, 2015-09-15

We make shops, and so to everyone to whom we made shops and who had partners - everyone, always, 100% parted, and half are still fine, and the other half are with fights and dividing the business, so don’t take partners.
Hire young employees and pay them% or try some other motivation system.

Puma Thailand, 2015-09-15

You're trying to build a beer club for friends, but you have to build a business, that's the difference between a right entrepreneur and a wrong one.

vm916, 2015-09-15

Tie everything to KPI. Tell the motivation system in a telephone interview so that there is no need to drive a bunch of unsuitable people to this village.

@codingal, 2015-10-15

It is not clear who exactly is needed as a partner - a salesperson? marketer? Office Manager?
It seems that there are plenty of people who do not really know how to do anything, but want to "develop business", they become the main victims of all sorts of mmm and mlm offices. They are very easy to find if you put an ad in the local newspaper or on some online board a la "business without investment." But are they needed, that is the question.

Dmitry, 2015-10-23

You need to look for a partner who will be interested in the project and work... It is very difficult to find such partners, especially if you are looking for him after the launch and raising of the project... Build a business in which you have a key role, but management and organization are done by someone else a person or even more than one ... And you, subsequently, will only deal with the control and development strategy of the company ...

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