Alan Gibizov2021-10-11 14:15:26
Alan Gibizov, 2021-10-11 14:15:26

How to download file by selenium by clicking on input submit button with js script?

I'm trying to download a file by selenium clicking on a bootstrap input button.
The button looks like this:

<input type="submit" value="Экспорт" onclick="hideModal(this);">

The button is in the modal, but it seems like there is some access to it - I click on it with a script (it is not clicked directly through selenium):
driver.execute_script('document.querySelector("#csv-export-form > p.buttons > input[type=submit]").click()')

At the same time, the corresponding line appears in chrome in DevTools / Network - but for a while it thinks and turns red, the download does not occur.
If we take the same JS code
document.querySelector("#csv-export-form > p.buttons > input[type=submit]").click()'

and run in DevTools/Console under the same conditions (i.e. the page state is the same as before, in the same Chrome called by selenium), then the same line appears in DevTools/Network, and the download is normal, as if I clicked the mouse.

What is missing so that the download starts from selenium? And where to look to find out?

ps selenium v.3.141.0, under Python.

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2 answer(s)
Alan Gibizov, 2021-11-13

Found! Turns out I was using the wrong webdriver method! You should have used .submit() instead of .click() . And everything worked.

Nadim Zakirov, 2021-10-11


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