Denis2016-05-25 19:15:50
Denis, 2016-05-25 19:15:50

How to design a web application correctly?

Good afternoon!
I think that my question will seem like trash, but I'm curious and I'll ask it anyway. I'm new to programming. I would like to have an understanding of how the work of a web application is built (in general terms). Let's say I wrote some C# program that runs, performs a certain type of check, for example, sends an e-mail with the results of the check, and, most importantly, the procedure is repeated for some certain intervals.
Everything is fine in the console, I run it on my computer, everything works.
The question is next. How, in general terms, is a web application implemented on a similar basis so that many users can use this functionality? Considered Asp.Net application

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1 answer(s)
MrDywar Pichugin, 2016-05-25

Chapter 23 Application Architecture.
There is also a free book (large) on the microsoft site, googled.
"Microsoft Architecture Design Guide"

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