ncoxall2016-09-07 07:25:13
ncoxall, 2016-09-07 07:25:13

How to deep nest classes in javascript?

I used to write like this: (simple example)
var Root = {};
Root Pages = {};
Root.Pages.Home = function(){};
Root.Pages.Reg = function(){};
Root.Pages.Login = function(){};
Now I want to switch to Classes, but I don't understand how to make such an attachment in them... (Root.Pages.Login)
Are there any similar examples?

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1 answer(s)
sugadu, 2016-09-07

class Polygon {
  constructor() {
    this.height = 11;
    this.width = 22;

var myObj = {};
myObj.Polygon = Polygon;

console.log((new myObj.Polygon).height)

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