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How to deal with slander and black PR on the Internet?
Not quite in the Habra format, but for me information security is not only protection against viruses, intrusions and data integrity, but also the protection of my relatives and friends from black PR.
There are a number of resources on the Internet where you can post a complaint or slander. Getting to these sites is very easy, for example, if you quarreled with an ex-girlfriend, with a former employee, with a neighbor, with a competitor, did not share a parking space, in general, with any inadequate person. And this inadequate person, having passed the simplest registration form, can anonymously publish absolutely any information about you.information, including slander and insults. Do you think these are harmless resources? Whatever the case, most large companies check the information of employees and candidates in search engines, it is clear that they will not understand the reasons, having seen information discrediting your honor and will simply choose another candidate.
In my case, a close friend of mine, having googled his name on the Internet, was extremely surprised to find himself on the sites and denounced lib.rf with slander and insults. First of all, we contacted the owners of these resources, demanding to delete these messages and received (deleted personal data):
first letter
second correspondence
-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Хуже нет
Дата: Mon, 28 May 2012 10:02:59 +0300
Тема: Re: Клевета размещенная на вашем сайте
Добрый день,
Должны вам сообщить, что у нас существует определенный алгоритм по
удалению жалоб с сайта. Для этого вы должны связаться с человеком,
оставившим негативный отзыв (воспользуйтесь функцией "Послать почту
адресату", кликнув на имя пользователя, и вы перейдете по ссылке к
необходимой форме). Посредством данного личного сообщения вы сможете
напрямую связаться с пользователем и исправить сложившуюся ситуацию.
После чего попросите автора жалобы прислать нам сообщение с просьбой
удалить его жалобу.
Обратите внимание, что нужно связаться не только с автором главной
жалобы, но и с авторами негативных комментариев. В вашем сообщении
просим не указывать никакой дополнительной контактной информации. Вся
переписка должна вестись через наш сайт.
Если компромисс найти не удается, разместите вашу версию ситуации,
добавив ее, как отдельный комментарий.
Хуже.нет - книга жалоб в интернете
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От кого: доскажалоб.рф
Дата: Sun, 27 May 2012 19:26:05 +0300
Тема: Re: Клевета размещенная на Вашем сайта
Мы прекрасно осведомлены о законах Российской Федерации.
Наш сайт существует достаточно долго и Вы не первый человек, который угрожает нам судами.
За все время существования сайта, было всего два решения суда, о том что жалоба содержала недостоверную информацию. Мы удалили эти жалобы.
Поэтому, как только выяснится, что данная жалоба является клеветой и будет соответствующее решение суда, мы незамедлительно удалим жалобу.
С уважением,
Администрация сайта
27.05.2012, 15:55
> Согласно постановлению Пленума Верховного Суда РФ от 24.02.2005 N 3 «О судебной практике по делам о защите чести и достоинства граждан, а также деловой репутации граждан и юридических лиц» п.5: надлежащими ответчиками являются авторы не соответствующих действительности порочащих сведений, а также лица, распространившие эти сведения, т.е. владельцы ресурса. Вы относитесь к лицам распространяющим эти сведения. В случае доведения до суда, в качестве ответчиков будет также указана ваша компания.
> Sun, 27 May 2012 12:08:48 +0300 от доскажалоб.рф :
>> Здравствуйте.
>> Согласно правилам сайта (http://xn--80aadjlwktfy.xn--p1ai/index.php?do=rules), ДОСКАЖАЛОБ.РФ не несет ответственность за содержание информации на сайте, а также не гарантирует что информация на сайте является достоверной. Пункт правил 1.3.: Подавая или комментируя жалобу, автор подтверждает, что только он сам, а не администрация сайта доскажалоб.рф, несет ответственность за содержание публикуемых жалоб. Жалобщик понимает, что в случае, если его жалоба будет содержать клевету, ложную информацию или оскорбление, то это может повлечь ответственность согласно действующего законодательства.
>> Вы можете связаться с человеком, который опубликовал жалобу здесь ####, отправив ему Е-майл или личное сообщение.
>> Вы можете обратиться в правоохранительные органы. По их официальному запросу мы выдадим им ИП адрес, с которого была опубликована жалоба, также по их официальному запросу, если они сочтут данную жалобу клеветой, мы удалим ее.
>> Подводя итоги:
>> Мы удаляем жалобу, только в 3-х случаях:
>> 1. По просьбе человека, который опубликовал жалобу.
>> 2. По официальной просьбе-заявлению из правоохранительных органов.
>> 3. По решению суда (самый распространенный вариант).
>> --
>> С уважением,
>> Администрация сайта
>> доскажалоб.рф
>> 27.05.2012, 10:50, "ДОСКАЖАЛОБ.РФ":
>>> Admin,
>>> доскажалоб.рф/ (
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> Текст сообщения
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> Прошу Вас удалить это сообщение с течении 3 календарных дней, в противном случае я буду вынужден обратиться в суд для привлечения Вас к ответственности за клевету по ст. 129 Уголовного кодекса РФ.
>>> Буду очень Вам благодарен если Вы предоставите известную Вам информацию о распространителе этой клеветы, ИП адрес, почтовый ящик, мобильный телефон и т.п.
>>> Спасибо
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> Помните, что администрация сайта не несет ответственности за содержание данного письма
>>> С уважением,
>>> Администрация
>>> доскажалоб.рф
In general, complete chaos, at the moment we are looking for a lawyer and preparing a package of documents for the court. We will indicate these sites as respondents, since the authors of these messages are anonymous.
Who to indicate as the defendant in the application, website?
How do you sue websites in general?
How to deal with slander and other black PR posted on Internet resources?
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1 Become a dictator
2 Introduce totalitarianism
3 Abolish freedom of speech
4 Ban the Internet
5 Zombify the population
6 Physically destroy political opponents
But seriously, no way.
Anyone who writes slander discredits himself, just provide proof that this is slander, and you will be in the black.
And in general, on those categories of sites, messages are usually posted, as you have already noticed, either not quite balanced people, or trolls (write disgusting - tell an unbalanced object - food).
These are sites for losers.
Normal people usually do not go to such sites.
If everything is so serious, then the algorithm of work is as follows:
1. Go to a lawyer.
2. Together with a lawyer, contact a notary with a request to certify written evidence from the site. Yes, yes, a notarized screenshot is not a fiction. Unfortunately, not every notary is engaged in such assurances. If the address from which the correspondence with the site administrators was conducted is located on a public mail server, then certify the contents of the mailbox in the same way.
3. Contact your domain registrar for help with the domain owner. Usually, registrars provide a certificate upon attorney's request.
4. Apply to the court, indicate the owner of the site as the defendant. In addition to defamation, you can also indicate a violation of the law on personal data, even if the published data is not defamatory. The law obliges to collect personal data about citizens only with their permission and delete them at their first request. If you are sure that you can prove that the information published on the site really caused any harm, you can demand compensation for it.
Forget about the "negative" site. It was created just for such emotional anchoring. You don't have to feed the troll.
Focus some efforts on creating a positive background on a large number of resources: this should be a campaign spread over at least 3-6 months, covering a large number of sites: from related forums, to private blogs, VKontakte walls and comments on photos on flickr. Imagine where else, say, a girl, delighted with your service, could share the experience of pleasant communication with her close friends. Or an experienced traveler who used the services of your travel agency could write a travel report, casually mentioning that “and I successfully caught flights to Roga and Co.”
Your potential client rustles on the Internet not in search of negative / positive about you, but is looking for the best way to solve his problem. And if, in the search for an answer, he at least twice in different places finds unrelated indirect positive references to your company, you are in chocolate. Compared to this, one blot in the trash heap of complaints is nothing at all.
Have you tried doing what the representatives of the site suggested to you?
The site is not to blame for anything. The slander and insults were posted there by a specific person.
The site agrees to give out all the necessary information about the author of the slander, if you contact the authorities and they request it. Of course, they will not give it to you personally, because they are not in the right.
I would try to get in touch with the author, if nothing comes of it, contact the police, who, having received the author's details from the site, will be able to find the author himself, but if this does not help - which is unlikely - then go to court.
There is such a service for neutralizing negativity on the network, when all search results are clogged with positive reviews.
And now from the site owner's point of view. I have several forums, blogs and sometimes someone's interests are affected by me or other participants.
As a result, a squealing new user comes running and shouts that all this slander and lies will be sued. Like, he never went to McDuck and eats only in noble restaurants (the level of criticism is about the same). Often they simply poke at the material and squeal “Delete !!! And then I will sue you!!! Hundreds of millions of moral damage!!” - on an elementary request to indicate specific parts of the "slander" they shut up.
Well, or you bought (yes, bought) a loaf of bread in a nearby store, it turned out to be spoiled, you wrote about it in your blog. Honestly? Honestly. But then, bang, you get a lawsuit - they say, so and so, defame the business reputation of an exemplary store. And here the fun begins! You will rummage through the trash, go to the city dump and look for this very loaf of bread! Kiss like a native, if you find. But you won’t find it - not only will you pay the expenses of both your own and the plaintiff, they will also slap you with compensation for damage. No roll - no arguments. Wife as a witness? Haha. Yes, she is with you at the same time and in general you are a gang of black PR people. There is another topic about expired milk, and then about delicious bread from a bakery. Yep, you're with her! Pay more! And the director of the bakery is a witness!
I understand that there are inadequate people and they write nonsense. Of course, outright nonsense will be removed. And I don’t see the point in believing in the rest of some freshly baked user. Maybe kiss him in the ass when he starts waving on the forum and pointing "Delete this, delete that."
And in general - how do I know who writes to me? Passports have not been introduced on the Internet yet. And how do you know that he is the legal representative of the person described in the note? And does this described person exist at all?
I send all these “complaints” to the trash immediately. It’s easier for me to pay for a lawyer in 1 out of 20 cases than to waste my time on correspondence with schizophrenics (it’s not known who, it’s not known where, on the Internet, and I can even call myself GDP). I have not yet come across adequate complaints - even large companies write some kind of manic lawsuits, pumping huge amounts of money into lawyers. It comes to the fact that in the lawsuit they indicate as unreliable information the quotes that my users took from their offsites.
PS I don't care what they write on the Internet about me and my site - I'm probably sick, but I think that it's impossible to please everyone.
PPS The moral of schizophrenics is to shut down all online communities. Well, it’s better just not to write about people, companies, or products. Better yet, walk around your camera in a chain.
You don't have to look far for an example: one user banned on the Habrahabr website (q0p) wrote a slander about me and my script: . In this case, it is pretty obvious who is lying, because he did not provide any evidence, and if there were, they are easy to find in the script's change history. The site admins seem to be absent, not a single appeal has received a response. But not everyone works like that. On another Western site, the admin deleted quite obvious swearing at the first letter asking for deletion and translating the text of the message into English using Google Translate.
Try on the basis of Federal Law 152 on the protection of personal data to remove personal data from this site.
Forget about Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since it has become invalid.
And the rest of you are all quite right. How is it going? What did Roskomnadzor say? Did you send a complaint regarding the misuse of personal data to the site / registrar / hoster? Have you drawn up a statement of claim for the protection of honor and dignity and compensation for moral damage (or have you already sent it to the court)?
I would like
to believe that my complaint to Roskomnadzor on had an effect. By the way, the owners of offered paid services for removing content.
Список доменных имен, в отношении которых в первой половине июля 2012 г. были направлены требования в иностранные компании о прекращении делегирования прав на их использование или об удалении незаконно размещенной информации. LLC США
There is no news yet regarding the complaint to Roskomnadzor on Doskalob.rf. Today we will write again.
It is clear how to sue with a domain in the Russian Federation zone, but what about a message on the domain?
Website hosted in the USA on, the registrar is located in Riga, according to whois
We sent the owners of the site an official claim for violation of the Federal Law 152-FZ.
The site owner ignored the request. The registrar and hosting owners refused to stop the resources, saying that they informed the owner of the resource about the complaint and they are not responsible for the content of the information resources.
Do I understand correctly the procedure for bringing to responsibility under 152-FZ?
1. An official complaint to Roskomnadzor on violation of federal law 152-FZ "On Personal Data", under Articles 17 and 21, with a demand to stop work and hold the owners of the information resource accountable.
2. Lawyer's request to the registrar and hosting owners, in order to obtain information about the alleged defendant.
3. A statement of claim to the court against the owners of the information resource, in order to recover losses, expenses and compensation for moral damage.
Correct me please.
Update: Problem with has been resolved. It remains to put the squeeze on the board of complaints.
— Forwarded message — From: Worse than <[email protected]>
To: ############################## ##
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 12:02:40 +0300
Subject: Re: Re[2]: violation of the law on personal data
At your request, the entry has been deleted.
- Administration - a book of complaints on the Internet
I have a similar story on the one hand and the other side too) I
posted a review about the product, positive, real, attached a photo that I received the goods. they write nasty things about this company, like don’t pay them money, they throw, waited and worried, as they got it, there was a desire to refute the heinous lie about this company.
and in response they fell down - they write reviews for themselves, etc. ...
okay, they made repairs in the room and I added one more review already with hard wallpaper glued on (I won’t name the brand, otherwise it will fall down again), I attached a photo as it happened .. And away we go
But the strangest thing is how the feedback site behaved!!!
They wrote to me that my reviews are fake and custom-made, they blocked my account in which I wrote about all sorts of things, reviews about good doctors at the ENTS and about drawing courses, etc.
I was blocked! Reviews with a photo and a detailed description of where and how, and those who wrote anonymously without evidence, bad reviews - they were left! They believed an anonymous person without evidence, who also wrote a complaint about me to them, and to me with a photo and a mob. There is no phone number on the application.
Here's how to understand the logic? Such sites cannot insult and personal information, and a positive one with supporting documents and a photo was deleted immediately upon an anonymous complaint ..........
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