Artem2015-09-08 12:39:26
Artem, 2015-09-08 12:39:26

How to create a web application in Java that fires itself after a given time (presumably a servlet, under Tomcat)?

In general, you need the server to call an application that polls a couple of sites to get information and store it in the database.
Called, say, every hour or 30 minutes (a given time).
How to do it under Tomcat.
As I understand it, theoretically, this can be done by an application that starts at the start and simply falls asleep in a cycle (blocks its own thread) and wakes up at a certain time. but this is not very good
. Tomcat probably has a way to configure the servlet so that it is called at a certain frequency by itself, without any user requests

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2 answer(s)
nagibator8000, 2015-09-08

quartz or Spring Scheduling

Evgeny Akhmetov, 2015-09-08

The easiest option is to write a script that is called by cron ( https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron)

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