Vladimir Gorbunov2015-04-20 12:35:48
Vladimir Gorbunov, 2015-04-20 12:35:48

How to embed a calculator in wordpress on a specific page?

I have a calculator written in Js. And I need to insert it on two pages in wordpress.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
                                            var section = document.getElementsByTagName("section")[0];
                                            var cont = document.createElement("div");
                                            var div_p = document.createElement("div");
                                            var div_f = document.createElement("div");

                                            cont.style.width = 520;
                                            cont.style.height = 250;
                                            cont.style.position = 'relative';
                                            cont.style.border = 'outset';
                                            cont.style.marginbottom: 20;
                                            div_p.style.width = '50%';
                                            div_p.style.position = 'absolute';
                                            div_p.style.Float = 'left';
                                            div_p.style.marginTop = 20;
                                            div_p.style.marginLeft = 20;
                                            div_f.style.Float = 'right';
                                            div_f.style.marginTop = 20;
                                            div_f.style.marginLeft = 280;
                                            div_f.style.width = '50%';

                                            div_p.innerHTML = "Сумма кредита:<br>Общий годовой процент по кредиту:<br>Срок кредита:<br><br><br>"+
                                                "Ваш ежемесячный платеж:<br>Общая сумма платежей:<br>Переплата по кредиту составляет:";

                                            div_f.innerHTML = "<form name='credit'><input name='sum' type='text' value='' size=12>"+
                                                "<select type='menu' name='usr' id='curr'><option value='rub'> ман.<option value='USD'>дол."+
                                                "<option value='Eur'>евро</select><br><input name='perc' type='text' value='' size=12>%<br>"+
                                                "<input type='text' value='' name='term' size=12><select type='menu' name='ust' id='ust'>"+
                                                "<option value='month'>  мес.<option value='year'>  год</select>"+
                                                "</form><button onclick='count()' value='' style='float:left;'>Считать</button><br>"+
                                                "<form name='result' style='margin-top: 8px' ><input name='month_p' type='text' value='' size=24 ' onfocus='this.blur()'><br>"+
                                                "<input name='total_p' type='text' value='' size=24 onfocus='this.blur()'><br>"+
                                                "<input name='over_p' onfocus='this.blur()'type='text' value='' size=24>";

                                            function count() {
                                                var sum = document.credit.sum.value;
                                                var perc = document.credit.perc.value;
                                                var i = new Array(1,12);
                                                var term = document.credit.term.value*i[document.credit.ust.selectedIndex];

                                                var p = perc/1200;

                                                var a = p*Math.pow((1+p),term)/(Math.pow((1+p),term)-1); //Math.pow - возведение в степень (арг-т, степень)
                                                a = (Math.ceil(a*10000))/10000;

                                                var month_p = a*sum;
                                                var total_p = term*month_p;
                                                var over_p = total_p-sum;
                                                var sel_val = new Array ("ман.", "долл.", "евро");
                                                var val = sel_val[document.credit.usr.selectedIndex];

                                                document.result.month_p.value = (Math.round(month_p*100))/100+" "+val;
                                                document.result.total_p.value = (Math.round(total_p*100))/100+" "+val;
                                                document.result.over_p.value = (Math.round(over_p*100))/100+" "+val;


How can I do it?

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4 answer(s)
Eugene, 2018-04-11

int[] arr = new int[8];

all because programmers are strange people and for some reason I count from scratch

Igor Vorotnev, 2015-04-20

There are several options:
1. In the page.php template (single.php if there is no first one), we set the is_page (id) check and the corresponding code in it
2. In functions.php, we wrap all the code as a function, we hang the function on the shortcode, we insert the shortcode in the visual editor on the necessary pages
3. We write a simple plugin (or in functions.php) - we intercept the IDs of the necessary pages at the request level and insert the necessary code on the fly - after the_content() or in the footer, in general, where it should be
4. In principle, you can remove this entire script from script tags to an external js file and add it to wp_enqueue_script () with the appropriate check is_page (X)

Khangeldy Ilebaev, 2015-04-20

is_page( id ) probably

asdz, 2015-04-20

Make a separate calculator template for these two pages. https://wpmag.ru/2014/shablony-stranic-wordpress/ and code

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