Konstantin Frolov2015-06-02 10:22:05
File systems
Konstantin Frolov, 2015-06-02 10:22:05

How to create a file of arbitrary size filled with arbitrary data?

Welcome all.
Actually the question itself is in the title: how in windows to create a file of arbitrary size, clogged with arbitrary data? Those. not just zeros or ones? Or how to "generate" many, many, millions of files of various sizes in order to fill the disk to capacity?
Is there software for this?

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4 answer(s)
tplus, 2015-06-02


Alexey Rytikov, 2015-06-02

On Linux I would do this:
In Windows, I use to create empty files of a given size:
But for filled with data ... Maybe something like this:

echo 1 > file
for /L %i in (1,1,1000) do echo %i >> file

Leming007, 2018-10-15

PowerShell. Creates a file in C:\Temp, fills C: drive leaving only 10MB:
[io.file]::Create("C:\temp\bigblob.txt").SetLength((gwmi Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C :'").FreeSpace - 10MB).Close

Vitaly Pukhov, 2015-06-02

The question is why is this needed? If to clear free space from old data, then you need to google on "wipe disk", but if for some other purpose there is a self-made utility that does just that, then it also checks that what it wrote down and that it then reads it same.

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