Anton_volkov2017-12-12 19:17:24
Compact disc
Anton_volkov, 2017-12-12 19:17:24

How to copy video from dvd disc to another dvd disc?

There was a dvd with a video of the wedding. I had to copy the disc. Inserted a disc - Copied these folders and shortcuts from the disc (see photo) 5a2fff542e000850624457.png
- removed the disc - inserted an empty disc - wrote those folders and the shortcut to the disc. - put the disc on the dvd player - there is video but no sound. I put the disk on the laptop, all the rules have sound. I put the original disc on the dvd player - all the rules have sound. THE PROBLEM IS that now I don't have the source disk. There are just those folders and a shortcut in the laptop that I copied. HOW to burn them to a dvd disc so that everything is normal? Those. there was sound in the dvd player

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1 answer(s)
Viktor, 2017-12-13

Yes, by copying folders and files, you made a mistake. It was necessary not to copy, but to clone the entire disk to a blank disc, using any utility for working with CD / DVD (Nero, etc.).
And now ... Well, you can try using video converters (Format Factory, Free Studio, etc.) and use them to convert your files to .mp4 video format, and then burn what happens to disk (this will already not a DVD, but a data disc) and watch from it. On a computer, this will work without problems, but not everyone will perceive such a disc adequately and be able to show it to a video player - the older the player, the fewer codecs are sewn into its firmware.

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