AntiMarinad2015-06-15 10:42:05
network hardware
AntiMarinad, 2015-06-15 10:42:05

How to choose a router for 20 VPN connections?

It is necessary to organize remote video surveillance through cameras with 4g. There will be 20 cameras in total. Outgoing traffic from each camera is 0.3 Mb/s. How to choose a router, what to look at so that I can connect all these cameras to the server.

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4 answer(s)
Sergey, 2015-06-15

I don’t see any problems in any vpn router in the price category of 7 - 15 thousand rubles

DastiX, 2015-06-15

I recommend Mikrotik.
Affordable price + wide possibilities.

Max, 2015-06-15

20*0.3=6. 6 megabits (bits, not bytes?) will pull any relatively modern router. So the main question is whether your cameras can make friends with this router.

Alexander Kamolov, 2015-06-16

And cameras without a DVR? It's more convenient with him. I connected them all to the registrar, it to the router. I forwarded the port of the registrar on it and voila. And then on the router 20 rules to prescribe, or even 40 (http + mobile)

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