tushev2020-12-14 17:40:18
tushev, 2020-12-14 17:40:18

How to choose a laptop for Ubuntu?

Colleagues, please tell me how to choose the right laptop for work. I am a web programmer, I work in Ubuntu, the main programs are various IDEs, server software, dockers. I often use VIrtualBox to run Windows and other guest OSes. 98% of the time the laptop is in the workplace with a 32 inch monitor connected, but on trains I work with a laptop screen, so I need the laptop screen to be at least 17 inches.

3 years ago I bought myself a laptop that seemed to me worthy in terms of characteristics (Lenovo Ideapad 330, Core i7, 8GB, SSD). It turned out that the characteristics are not all that should be taken into account. I did not take into account then that not all laptops work well with Ubuntu. As a result, I got periodically falling off WiFi and regular dead freezes when starting VirtualBox and visiting some specific sites! How a site page can hang a laptop tightly is not at all clear, but a fact. It starts to slow down wildly, then generally stops responding to something, without any explanation in the logs. As a result, you have to do 3-4 nutritional reboots per day. The problems were mentioned on the Internet, but there were no solutions for them.

Yes, later it turned out that in the list https://certification.ubuntu.com/desktop/modelsthis node does not exist. In general, does this list guarantee stable operation with Ubuntu?

What brands are good for my purposes right now? I would like to meet the 100 TR, but ready to consider all options.

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-12-14

I am now looking in this direction

Tony, 2020-12-16

Fresh software is important for a developer = Manjaro. It has a graphical installer, it is possible to install any visual shell of the working environment (Ubuntu, Gnome, Kde, etc.). Arch under the hood.
Fresh software and all the possible software that can be in Linux - thanks to Aura.
Hardware, look at configurations https://manjaro.org/hardware/

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