loly2017-03-12 20:23:41
Network administration
loly, 2017-03-12 20:23:41

How to choose a hoster with a large amount of downloaded information?

I will immediately describe several very important points:
1) This is not a startup and I do not represent any company (accordingly, I do not have a large budget);
2) It can be called something like a hobby, but the planned resource will be available to anyone;
3) No sales and earning a maximum on advertising (in any case, it's too early to talk about this).
What does the service do?
Reads a certain open API source (json) that gives out 50-100 GB per day (obviously you can’t read such information with your hands). In general, the data is "distributed over the whole day" (of course, there are peak values, but not so critical). It is not necessary to store this information (well, that is, it is necessary, but it will take up many times less space because there are a lot of repetitions of the same "phrases" in the transmitted information)
The problem that I see
Obviously the problem is incoming traffic. Perhaps my question will seem stupid, and I'm just an alarmist, but how will the hoster look at such a volume of downloaded information? Will he throw me out for creating a load (and as I said above, my budget is not the largest and, accordingly, this will also affect the choice of hosting). Almost all hosters that I saw in the "traffic" columns say "unlimited", but I hardly believe it.
Actually how to choose hosting, which one would you recommend? Or is my problem not a problem at all?

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2 answer(s)
Sanes, 2017-03-12

This is not a startup and I do not represent any company (respectively, I do not have a large budget);

It does not matter.
You need a dedicated server. The traffic is small.

Puma Thailand, 2017-03-13

all hosters, vdcoms and dedics have traffic limits (sometimes with an asterisk), you only need 1.5-3TB, which is not much.

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