spataphore2021-12-23 03:20:12
spataphore, 2021-12-23 03:20:12

How to call the text input function after processing the callback (clicking on the Inline button)?

I welcome everyone. The task is this: the user needs to fill out a questionnaire. During the survey, the user enters the answers to the questions in text, and also answers the questions by pressing the Inline button. And then a problem arises: after clicking on the button, I cannot forward the message to the step-by-step handler, because it is logically not. Question: how to call a function from the callback handler according to the register_next_step_handler principle?


def start_questionnaire(message):
    bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, 'Введите город проживания')
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, get_town)
def get_town(message):
    data_dict = dict
    data_dict['town'] = message.text
    keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1)
    keyboard.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Мужской', callback_data='m'),
                 types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='Женский', callback_data='f'))
    bot.send_message(message.from_user.id, 'Укажите свой пол', keyboard)
@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def callbacks_worker(call):
    if call.data in ['m', 'f']:
        # и отсюда должен быть переброс в ф-ю, которая будет принимать значение message.

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1 answer(s)
Mikhail Krostelev, 2021-12-23

It’s not entirely clear what the problem is, because the call object contains the message object

bot.register_next_step_handler(call.message, <Твоя функция>)

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