viktorross2019-01-28 22:05:31
viktorross, 2019-01-28 22:05:31

How to add value to label?

hello, please tell me how to be in such a situation for styling inputs?

{if $pe_settings[$fieldset].use_free}<div><input type="radio" name="price_type" id="price_type" value="2" {if isset($tmp.price) && $tmp.price==0}checked="checked"{/if} />&nbsp;{$pe_settings[$fieldset].lang[$crt_lang].free}</div>{/if}
  {if $pe_settings[$fieldset].use_tags}
  {foreach $pe_settings[$fieldset].lang[$crt_lang].tags_array as $tag}
  <div><input type="radio" name="price_type" id="price_type" value="{$tag}" {if isset($tmp.price) && $tmp.price==-1 && ( isset($tmp.price_tag) && $tmp.price_tag==$tag)}checked="checked"{/if}/>&nbsp;{$tag}</div>

here it turns out that both labels need to set the same values ​​for="price_type" , but then only one will work, and if you replace the second id with for example for="price_type1" then this form will not be transmitted, is it possible to somehow add a value to the label value 1, 2 , 3 , etc? Or what is the way out?

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2 answer(s)
bkosun, 2019-01-28

The global id attribute defines a unique identifier (ID) that must be unique throughout the document.
Use other attributes like class or data-*

Nikita Melikhov, 2019-01-28

I don't see the label tag . If it is inside the loop, then you can put the input inside the label.
Something like

    <input type="radio" />

Then you can style like this:
label {
    position: relative;
label span { /* Стиль неактивного баттона */ }
label :checked ~ span { /* Стиль отмеченного радиобаттона */ }

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