HuckleberryDev2019-12-20 18:54:20
HuckleberryDev, 2019-12-20 18:54:20

Why do we need useReducer (if there is useState)?

Preamble: I've been using React Redux Typescript for a long time. I recently started getting into hooks. I'm trying to build an application with a global state passed through the context.
Actually the question is: why do you need useReducer with all its boilerplate, if you can do the same with useState, just wrap all state modifications in the same action functions?
Those. instead of:

// index.js
const reducer (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'actionType': {
            return {
                // меняем стейт тут
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {})

// actions.js
const someAction = () => {
    return {
        type: 'actionType'

// callback in someComponent.js

// index.js
const [state, setState] = useState({});

// actions.js
const someAction = (setState, currentState) => {
        // меняем стейт тут, по сути, так же как в редьюсере

// callback in someComponent.js
someAction(setState, currentState);

I do not see any benefit in the first approach, except for the formalities that bloat the code. Or am I still missing something?

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3 answer(s)
Mikhail Vlasov, 2019-02-12

Without fieldset:

not Doctor Strange, 2019-02-28

something like this?

abberati, 2019-12-20

useReducer is needed in order to encapsulate the methods of changing the state in one place - inside the reducer. The approach described by you loses in "comprehensibility" - you smear storage logic inside actionCreator'ov.
And here is an interesting note about the store on hooks

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