weranda2018-08-02 19:10:39
Network administration
weranda, 2018-08-02 19:10:39

How much will it cost to store 20-30 petabytes of information?

For educational purposes only, I'm interested in the cost of storing and accessing approximately 20-30 petabytes of information. Approximately 5-10 million people visit each month. About 0.5 trillion pages. What is the asking price?

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2 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2018-08-02

Everything strongly depends on the structure of the storage and on the amount of minimal information for generating pages by the algorithm when issuing them to end users.
I can advise you to read here
Clearly: fHMRjD8GliM.jpg
PS: weranda - they chose my answer as a solution and then removed it. Somehow it is not clear ...
PS2: returned back. Thank you.

Sanes, 2018-08-02

Buy a data center

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