Andrew2017-06-11 00:10:31
Andrew, 2017-06-11 00:10:31

How much is mac mini afraid of shocks, shaking, vibrations?

I took a mac mini home from work, carried it and transported it to another city in a regular backpack, after arriving I connected the mac to the monitor, but he didn’t see it, the connection was through the hdmi wire, but with an hdmi to dvi adapter on the monitor itself 41KNrf6KEUL._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg
with the same connection but there were no problems with the laptop. on the poppy, when turned on, the indicator lit up, but it didn’t make any sound, one caveat - I didn’t connect the keyboard, at the moment it’s not at hand. The main question is, could the mac mini somehow be damaged during a normal move? and what kind of problem could it be that it didn’t start normally or didn’t connect to the monitor? adapter? monitor?
no keyboard?

tomorrow there will be time to figure it out and start it with a keyboard, another monitor, but I want to ask before that, since it's not mine and I'm worried that something in it won't break.

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