Neighborhood2019-06-19 21:21:49
IT education
Neighborhood, 2019-06-19 21:21:49

How much does the quality of a diploma affect employment?

I welcome everyone. I'm asking for objective advice, because now I'm at a crossroads
. I'm 20, I'm finishing my 2nd year at a terrible technical university in my hometown in the direction of "Software Engineering", in the future I plan to work in data science.
Now there is an opportunity to move to St. Petersburg and transfer to ITMO or SPbPU for a specialized specialty, finish my studies there for 2 years, and then find a job after graduation.
But on the other hand, here, in my hometown, there was an opportunity to take intensive 2-semester courses in Data science with further internship and employment by the 4th year.
If the question of the importance of having a diploma of higher education is somehow already clear to everyone, then how important is the Quality of a diploma in employment?
Somehow it goes like this:
1) have a diploma from a recognized university and only then try data science on your own
2) get a mediocre diploma (where they give 0 knowledge), but come out with real data science skills and work experience.
I really would like to know how HRs of good or even top companies look at a person with a prestigious diploma, or at someone who graduated from a bad university unknown to anyone. Just recently I saw a vacancy in data science, where in the requirements column it was indicated "a diploma from a recognized university".
ps I try not to pursue status, but I thought that this whole story could have an impact in the future
pss Perhaps an alternative to a prestigious diploma is ShAD?
I apologize if a similar question has already been asked.
Thank you.

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7 answer(s)
moropsk, 2019-06-19

You need to move to St. Petersburg and transfer to ITMO or SPbPU for a specialized specialty.
There will be more chances in the future.

Saboteur, 2019-06-20

Just recently I saw a vacancy in data science, where in the requirements column it was indicated "a diploma from a recognized university".

What do you mean by data science?
Or do you think that data science is programming?

sim3x, 2019-06-19

If your teaching is not in English, then your KM is a pastime
You can squeeze out if the English terminology of what you are taught
lingers in
your memory.
you have any chance to get an internship (including full-time) - take it

Puma Thailand, 2019-06-20

The quality of the diploma will affect your first job, once in a lifetime, when you apply for the same Google, no matter what diploma you have

Vitaly, 2019-06-20

Actually, formally no, it doesn't matter.
Here the matter is a little different, if very briefly, then: knowledge, the formation of thinking, acquaintances, internships, opportunities, conferences, vacancies, standard of living. There is an opportunity to move, definitely move, and the sooner the better.
You can finish the ShAD in parallel, it is not necessary to study there full-time. This will be useful, especially since you are not going to rivet web pages, but to do something serious.

ivodopyanov, 2019-06-20

ITMO and St. Petersburg State University will give you much more knowledge than some 2-semester courses in Data Science. Who knows where you want to be in 5 years. A good university is a good foundation. Skills and experience are easy to get, six months to a year. And there is time for full-time education only as long as your parents provide for you (no offence)

Alexander, 2019-06-24

Well done ITMO, I advise you to move.

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