makecode2015-03-24 15:20:02
Hard disks
makecode, 2015-03-24 15:20:02

How is a hard drive visible in NAS?

There are such network storages
Many have the ability to install 2, 3 or 4 disks.
For example, if I put two, how will they be visible on the computer? How are two different ones or is the software managed there and I will see one, but the volume is like for two? Can anyone come across similar devices.

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2 answer(s)
tawiba, 2015-03-24

They will be in Raid =) and if you don’t put them in raid, they will simply, for example, “Main folder” and in it “Folder 1 is one disk” Folder 2 is another

Yuri, 2015-03-24

How they will be visible depends on how you connect to the storage system.
The simplest thing is that a network share is made on the storage system, and you cling to it like a network drive.
A little more complicated - you create an iSCSI-target and hook it to your (or someone else's) machine, like a block device. In this case, it appears in the system as a separate hard drive, which you can format and partition as you wish. But in this case, the storage system cannot manage the content on the partition, i.e., for example, it will not work to force the torrent downloader to write data there.

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