x2sp2015-05-12 08:20:12
x2sp, 2015-05-12 08:20:12

How exactly do you document IT infrastructures?

Good afternoon everyone!
The question is quite trivial, there is a task to document the IT infrastructure.
The criteria are simple:
1) An easy-to-read reference book.
2) Scalable.
3) Ability to use charts and graphs.
4) If possible open source software.
Thanks for answers.

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4 answer(s)
WordPress WooCommerce, 2015-05-13

We are on WordPress. The base of objects is divided into categories. Servers, websites, applications, printers, etc. Each one has a history of configuration changes in the comment form.
All this is connected with the ticket system and the history of tasks for the object is visible.
There is access control so that unnecessary data does not get to superfluous guys.

Denis Ineshin, 2015-05-12

Here are a couple of examples of such guides: one and two
Built on a wiki engine. Wikipedia is the clearest example of scalability and usability)

Puma Thailand, 2015-05-12

wiki or google docs

Edward Tibet, 2015-09-14

I think that you can get some thoughts from here: https://toster.ru/answer?answer_id=658752

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