Hocok_B_KapMaHe2018-01-20 23:11:53
Hocok_B_KapMaHe, 2018-01-20 23:11:53

How does addressing work in memory chips?

A question that has interested me for a long time. How do they get (bit \ byte) of information when setting an address on the RAM bus?
But here, for example, the RAM .. Is this random access memory? For example, there is a 4GB stick. Let's say it has 32 outputs (32 bits), by setting the bits of which you can set the read address. And get the desired byte by reading data from separate 8 contacts (bits).
So. What is the path of the signal, i.e. What is the concept of memory addressing?
The very first thing that comes is a grid, but you also need pins for 4GB (the root of 4000000000 = 63245 * 2 = 126490 contacts).
And if you make a three-dimensional cube, then 6000 contacts.
I understand that this cannot be described in the answer, but maybe give an interesting link, or push how to develop the scheme further than a three-dimensional cube. And then fantasy for 4-dimensional is not enough of its own

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1 answer(s)
longclaps, 2018-01-20

A long time ago you say? So be it, I 'll show you )

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