ivan_lipka2014-09-18 21:51:18
ivan_lipka, 2014-09-18 21:51:18

How do you control remote developers?

Good evening
In our studio, we decided to completely transfer the software part of the site development to outsourcing, but we are worried about meeting the deadlines. Share your secrets of remote control?

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5 answer(s)
FanKiLL, 2014-09-18

Look at the commits in the git, at the overall execution of the task. Outsourcing is such a thing that today a person can write 100 lines, and tomorrow finish almost 50% of the entire task and fix some bugs.
In any case, you need to look at monthly activity and not everyday.
Some strange questions, but how do you control work in the office? This is how you control outsourcing.
I am freelancing now and every day I upload what I did to the test server and show it to the customer. Plus a report to email - what was done during the day - points + plans for tomorrow.
For example today:
1) added tree-like comments
Plans for tomorrow - evaluate comments (like / dislike)
Deleters are the same people and don't have to day by day.

seniorivn, 2014-09-18

no control, only trust, get bumps on test tasks and first projects. Not everyone works without supervision, but those who work do it better on average than lazy people and parasites. IMHO

Artem Spiridonov, 2014-09-19

The only effective way to control is to break tasks into smaller ones and accept them in stages. Anything else will lead to relationship problems, which will affect the quality of the product.
Do not drip on the brain! Do not demand daily reports from designers and developers - this is creative work , you can go through a day or two, and on the third do more than in a week. And that's okay !
And when every day they pull - hands drop and you don’t want to do anything at all.

lookid, 2014-09-18

Submit a test task. Estimate how much work an employee can do in a day. like 300 lines of code or something else. Also hourly "how are you" in Skype, commits, estimates or please upload-show-tell what he is doing now.

WalkingMan, 2014-10-03

IMHO, commits every 1-3 days (at the request of the developer) with a comment point by point, which was implemented. And preferably automatic assembly, so that the customer gives feedback.

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