Sanya Hihi Haha2021-03-12 19:04:20
Sanya Hihi Haha, 2021-03-12 19:04:20

How do I get started with hourly wages?

Good day.

I've been freelancing for some time, making small orders for python, the average check for work is 750~ rubles (from zero to delivery to the customer.) It's not difficult to guess which freelance exchange we are talking about =)

So, obviously, the amounts are very small. I would like to go for hourly pay, it is clear that you need to change the freelance exchange, to the same upwork, yes, it is. (the question of English is secondary, I speak English best of all, at least in my yard =), it doesn’t really matter now)

But here the question is, how to work at an hourly rate?

I have freelancing experience, I completed orders, received feedback, but this is all for finished products.

It happens that I can write a small order in 3-4 hours, or I can fiddle for 5 hours without getting up, often google and ask here, on the toaster.

How did you stop doubting yourself and left for an hourly wage?
The question that gnaws at me is something like this - "what if the customer says that I'm playing for time, etc., etc., or, for example, I'll be stuck at some point in development for a relatively long time." (of course, maybe if you get stuck, you should turn off the tracker and sit and think, or maybe not.)

If it's not difficult, tell us briefly about your path, because I generally have no experience at an hourly rate.
Thank you all for your understanding

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1 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2021-03-12

Just start thinking in hourly rates. Now your rate is about 200 rubles / hour.
Assign 210 rubles to your next project. per hour, etc. Gradually you will reach a more or less decent rate.
And of course, you need to try to work on all exchanges where you have access.

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