regix2017-07-14 15:00:03
regix, 2017-07-14 15:00:03

Hover preview for video player how to implement screenshot generation, video preview?

I hope to find a simple and understandable solution and for your help.
Purpose: to implement automatic previews (in the form of screenshots or video clips) on hover.
1. Which open source players support this feature? What is this feature even called? Plyr support? I liked this player.
2. As far as I understand, I have to do the creation of screenshots or a compressed video preview myself, the player won't do it by itself? Or maybe the world is not such a cruel place and miracles are possible?
2.1. What software, scripts for Linux can do this? Why under Linux - because you want to do it on the server side automatically.
3. How is it implemented in practice? Well, there are previews / screenshots created, how to feed it to the player (reference to question 1, does the player support this at all, or what should I cut myself?)

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1 answer(s)
ololo pishpish, 2017-07-14

1. video thumbnails
2. Yes, by myself.
2.1 ffmpeg, MP4Box, etc.
3. There are a lot of things in Google, I gave you a tip.

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