iamsaint2012-12-04 12:03:34
iamsaint, 2012-12-04 12:03:34

Hichcharts daily and hourly chart in one chart?

Good afternoon, please tell me how to correctly combine data by day and by hour in one chart
Below is an example of how I do it, but the output is the


(function($){ // encapsulate jQuery<br>
            $(function () {<br>
                var chart;<br>
                $(document).ready(function() {<br>
                    chart = new Highcharts.Chart({<br>
                        chart: {<br>
                            renderTo: 'container',<br>
                            zoomType: 'xy'<br>
                        title: {<br>
                            text: 'Chart'<br>
                        xAxis: [{<br>
                            categories: ["02.12","03.12"]<br>
                        yAxis: [, {<br>
                            gridLineWidth: 0,<br>
                            title: {<br>
                                text: '',<br>
                                style: {<br>
                                    color: '#4572A7'<br>
                        }, {<br>
                            gridLineWidth: 0,title: {<br>
                                text: '',<br>
                                style: {<br>
                                    color: '#4572A7'<br>
                        legend: {<br>
                            layout: 'vertical',<br>
                            align: 'left',<br>
                            x: 120,<br>
                            verticalAlign: 'top',<br>
                            y: 80,<br>
                            floating: true,<br>
                            backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'<br>
                        series: [{<br>
                            name: 'Статистика по дням',<br>
                            color: '#4572A7',<br>
                            type: 'column',<br>
                            yAxis: 1,<br>
                            data: [588,1196]<br>
                        }, {<br>
                            name: 'Статистика по часам',<br>
                            color: '#AA4643',<br>
                            type: 'spline',<br>
                            yAxis: 2,<br>
                            data: [6,28,15,14,17,2,17,13,4,4,7,34,17,29,9,60,49,33,9,24,35,89,28,45,13,46,30,39,23,29,2,15,5,22,70,80,72,130,111,53,95,75,26,58,62,55,6,79]<br>

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