Tirel_ly2018-06-25 00:31:13
IT education
Tirel_ly, 2018-06-25 00:31:13

Has anyone enrolled in mechatronics-robotics?

Who entered mechatronics-robotics (or related specialties), please tell us about the training: where did you go, is this education relevant, where does the practice take place, where and by whom can you then go to work.
UPD: I read a bunch of "information" on the Internet, but I would like to know how everything happens "inside".

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Passat, 2018-07-22

Go for what you like, it’s a pity to waste time on something that is prestigious and cool, but there is no desire in this (or archi-strong expectations from movie series), doubts are felt in your question, you are waiting for approval, so to speak, support they say "wow dude et so cool, you’ll make a terminator ", robotics is no doubt the future, but if you expect easy ways and office work" you see yourself as Elon Musk "I'll break you down, you'll be a mechanic in oil and with a soldering iron in your hand, heaps of wires, relays, and ancient technology with of your birth (not everyone should be Ilons) someone needs to work, I don’t argue, you can always find a job if you want, automation is being introduced everywhere “if the machines are already making food, then only the blind do not see the future” and if you think that you have finished and everything I’m so beautiful
omniscient you don’t need to study, then I’ll break you off this area is booming and it’s not the essence (but the fact) that you will be taught on technology and literature 20..50 years ago ........ and learn English right away while sitting on the toilet, on TV, in the subway .... you'll see how much it will help you ...... unless of course I broke you into wanting to study robotics

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