coolfly2013-02-02 19:29:15
coolfly, 2013-02-02 19:29:15

FTP hosting for IP camera?

Gentlemen, please advise FTP hosting for IP surveillance cameras, preferably foreign and, it would be nice to be free, but I understand that a normal service is not free, but at least for a start. It is required to write from an IP camera via FTP, an image to a remote hosting. Thanks in advance.

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5 answer(s)
garbager, 2013-02-03

choose freehosting1.net/free_ftp_hosting.aspx

DobroFenix, 2013-02-02

There are plans to write a similar service, since a large batch of ip cameras should come soon, which will need to be sharpened to work with my service, which has yet to be written.
Now there is a server with a RAID10 array and ftp on it.
I can give access to it and "forget" about it.
And then we'll see how it goes...

SvetlyiAkaPro, 2014-10-11

@Coolfly did you find hosting? And if found, which one?

Vooly, 2015-11-13

You can use ours, we already have experience with similar clients.
File hosting redhost.info
10 Gb - 1 c.u.
If you have any questions, please contact by email.

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