Agrigattor2015-02-27 11:31:35
Career in IT
Agrigattor, 2015-02-27 11:31:35

From Private to General?

Dear colleagues! Soon the time will come to embark on a career path, and in order to choose the "right" and "fast" path, I asked myself the question: the first higher in IT specialty, and in order to quickly switch to hands. positions, is it worth getting a second degree in management or economics? Or what will "accelerate" career advancement from "ordinary" to "manager" (in short: how to move to managers as soon as possible?)

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10 answer(s)
DigitalSmile, 2015-02-27

There are very few "good" managers, even those with specialized education. If you want to move into management, it will not be enough for you to attend some courses or study at the "evening". Even 5-6 years in a good university on a full-time basis, with understanding, enthusiasm and practice, is not always enough.
My IMHO from experience - it will not work to learn to become a "good" manager. It's either given or not. You can comprehend the techniques and methodologies, but to apply them correctly, this is already the brains of everyone should work.
If you are not sure what is "given" to you, then do not spoil your life and career for yourself and those around you (future subordinates).

Evsign, 2015-02-27

ummm... Can brains and professional competence help? And not the amount of waste paper in a cardboard, varnished cover.

Azim Kurt, 2015-02-27

If your goal is to become a manager, then you can become a shepherd.

Puma Thailand, 2015-02-27

three years was enough for me to become a leader, there is no completed higher education.

Vladimir Martyanov, 2015-02-27

First - to understand well what subordinates will do. Then - manage. The desire to quickly rule is detrimental.

xmoonlight, 2015-02-27

If I were you, I would ask the question: "Why do I need to manage?"
You need income and fame - prove yourself as a coder and people will pay attention to you without any papers.

alk, 2015-02-27

People who enjoy authority in the team are usually appointed to leadership positions. If your colleagues do not respect you, then 10 higher educations will not help.

Denis Filonov, 2015-02-28

Learning to be a leader and being one are two different things. Read Demarco's "Deadline" first, you'll understand what to do.

Andrey Pletenev, 2015-03-06

You will definitely have to study. The format is not so important: full-time/distance/courses/books. Quality is not determined by the format. The format matters only if it is a formal promotion criterion in a particular organization.
My advice:
1. Be sure to combine with your practice
2. Learn only from practicing managers.

azShoo, 2015-02-27

Depends on what and how you are going to manage.

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