Ruslan Banochkin2013-09-22 03:40:26
Ruslan Banochkin, 2013-09-22 03:40:26

Firmware NETGEAR WNR3500L

Habravchane, already no strength, help is needed! ..

There is a NETGEAR WNR3500L router. There is the latest official firmware. Internet has been dropping regularly lately. At the beginning, out of habit, I drove in the address and was going to reconnect, I thought it was the provider. However, does not open! What is interesting - the rest of the devices on the network (created just with the help of a router) are quietly pinged and available. When the router is rebooted, everything is fine.

The question is - what alternative firmware should I put in order to continue stable operation? No matter how much I googled - everywhere they look at the firmware for this router from the side to make a torrent downloader, a ball in the local area, and so on, but there’s not a word about the stability of the work. And that's just what I need. What would you recommend putting in?

Or maybe there are other solutions to the problem?

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5 answer(s)
Phillip Gruy, 2013-09-22

On good it is necessary to understand why the web-muzzle falls off.
Generally look at www.myopenrouter.com .
Specifically, I like Tomato. I use the router as a direct router + VPN server + static welcome page.

mihavxc, 2013-09-22

Netgear has a very lively forum, I think it's best to ask there.
forum.netgear.ru/ Friends
have the same router and the latest firmware, the flight is normal. So either contact the support or wait for an update or switch to an alternative firmware. Tomato support.

Konstantin Vlasov, 2013-09-22

Does the router itself ping? Is it possible to access it via telnet (after unlocking this function, of course)?
Maybe try to make him a complete reset and reconfigure it again? I have exactly this model, and I have never seen such a glitch. The firmware is now V1.2.2.56_35.0.56RU, but on older ones (Russian-adapted, I haven’t tried others), I didn’t get such problems either. So either some specific settings can break it this way, or a hardware problem.

l0calh0st, 2013-09-22

After 3 years, I also had a problem with him, loses packets and stops responding over the air. At the same time, everything is perfect on the wire.
With any firmware and variations of settings. Tolley has outlived its usefulness, or is it an external problem.
I advise Tomato, it is better in terms of stability / speed. This one for example tomato.groov.pl/

v0rtex, 2013-09-23

Personally, I have Tomato Version 1.28 by shibby
Very stable. Works for months.

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