yiicoder2017-10-20 16:38:08
yiicoder, 2017-10-20 16:38:08

Do I need to purchase Microsoft Windows Pro to use the Enterprise E3 license?

It took some of the employees to transfer to Microsoft Windows, found out that there is a license called "Windows 10 Enterprise E3 Cloud Subscription". But the subscription requirements say the presence of Microsoft Windows 10 Pro.
Do I understand correctly that Enterprise E3 is not an independent license at all, but only an addition and a subscription does not provide any special advantages here (flexible management of the number of licenses, etc.)?

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1 answer(s)
yiicoder, 2017-10-30

For everyone who wanted to bother with cloud subscriptions, the answer is - no, the miracle did not happen and Enterprise E3 is not a standalone license - you first need to purchase Windows 10 Pro, so dreams remain dreams.

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