Think With Your Head2016-06-21 12:58:21
Think With Your Head, 2016-06-21 12:58:21

Do designers track time spent on inspiration?

I asked myself a question - is the freelance designer's time spent on inspiration included in the paid, in the case of hourly payment?
For example, designers-for-hire spend time in their offices on inspiration.
We are talking about illustration designers in the first place, interface developers with inspiration are probably simpler - they work on purely technical design, mainly

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4 answer(s)
Andrey Khokhlov, 2016-06-21

I recently made a constructor-calculator for the site. Kodil-kodil, stalled at one point and to get distracted - went to wash the dishes. And while washing - the decision came to mind. So while I was sitting at the computer and working - I tracked the time. And while I was washing the dishes, my brain was working for free in the background :)
If a designer is sitting at a computer (a piece of paper) and drawing something, studying examples, looking for some references, etc. - this is of course a job that must be tracked down and paid for. Although, if he sits and is stupid about cats - how do you know that he is inspired for a project?)
If a designer washes dishes, plays in the dotka or walks - it's kind of wrong to track. But on the other hand - if he goes to the park, on autopilot, circling and thinking about the concept in the fresh air - why can't this be considered work?
I can cite many more arguments and rhetorical questions.
In my opinion, especially in hourly work, trust, understanding and a conscientious attitude to work are important.
If a designer tracks for 8 hours a day, producing a worthy product in the end and the customer is satisfied with the final cost of this product - what's the difference? Let the designer spend at least 32 hours a week on the use of substances, and on the last day on this dope he will give out what is expected of him.
I think the word "designer" here can be replaced by any "trackable" profession.

Oleg, 2016-06-21

I would not pay for the search for inspiration, so you can sit for hours to "search", you also need to code, you know, inspiration is needed, moral preparation, so to speak, but no one wants to pay for it.

Sanes, 2016-06-21

How to work effectively all day long?

Максим Березин, 2016-07-19

Я дизайнер интерфейсов, полностью согласен с Андрей Хохлов
Только "процесс вдохновения" называю изучением предметки. Обычно сижу и изучаю, время записываю в Trello, Очень часто фоном работа крутится когда гуляю или езжу куда, иногда во время таких прогулок приходит идея, и могу сразу позвонить или написать заказчику, обсудить. И это время не записываю.

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