Karim kkk2019-12-02 12:41:19
Karim kkk, 2019-12-02 12:41:19

Disabling the time item on a specific date?

Good afternoon!
I threw the interface looking into the LAN into the bridge, and I filter Internet access by MAC.
I created rules for all computers, but for some I specified the time of the rule (in my case, provide Internet access from 19:04 to 8:30 the next day).
But there is one "desire" to provide access for the whole day on Saturday and Sunday, in fact, the question is how to disable the time item on the weekend, so that everything would be activated on a new one on Monday?

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2 answer(s)
Wexter, 2019-12-02

so shove the switching script into the scheduler

korsar182, 2019-12-03

Create a second rule with effect only on weekends and place it above the first one. In the first set only working days.

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