Frank_Sidebottom2018-03-25 01:01:07
Frank_Sidebottom, 2018-03-25 01:01:07

Conditional construction and value?

Hi. The conditional construct is not working. What is wrong here? Why is the alert not working? It seems that I wrote everything correctly, I don’t understand what’s the matter.


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2 answer(s)
Ilya33, 2018-03-25

the button selector is a tag, not a class, and div doesn't have a val() method - input has one

KazeZlat, 2018-03-25

1. The handler will not be hung on your button, because the button doesn't have the class you specified in the JS. Remove the dot, or add a class to the button.
2. div cannot have a value, use the data attribute instead: or replace div with<div class="time-wrap" data-value="25"></div>$('.time-wrap').data('value') == 25<input type="hidden" value="25">

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