thstd2015-11-27 01:40:50
IT education
thstd, 2015-11-27 01:40:50

Compensation for the cost of training upon dismissal, who faced it?

There is an interesting job offer from a fairly large Russian company.
The work involves interaction with some very rare and specific hardware, training will be carried out in the USA at the expense of the employer.
The topic is certainly interesting, but something gnawed at me from the very receipt of this proposal.
Finally, I realized: after going through such, apparently very expensive training, I’m unlikely to be allowed to quit just like that. Although this is not included in my plans now, but situations are different.
The current situation is as follows:
- I will have to study abroad almost immediately after the official employment, i.е. there will be very little time to evaluate and take a closer look at the situation, the bill for weeks
- the topic where I am invited is interesting for me, but new, and I just don’t know how interesting it will be for me in the long term
- I am superficially familiar with this company, everything seems to be decorously noble, a good office, polite people from HR, but what there for the team, and what kind of bosses it is not clear to me, and there is very little time to find out
- the salary is average in the city, because. the start of a career. There seem to be prospects, social. package is good.
- while everything is in words, nothing is signed I
started reading the Internet on the topic of compensation for the cost of education upon dismissal, and to be honest I was a little shocked by the time during which people are not allowed to quit without compensation, somewhere in the contracts it is indicated 2-3 years , and somewhere 5 years.
Yes, there is an interesting stipulation that the employee pays compensation only upon dismissal without a good reason. However, as I understand it, there is no list of such reasons in the labor code, and this is all decided in court. That in and of itself is disgusting.
Someone might think that I want to study for free and get out, but that doesn't make sense. well, iron is very specific, outside of this company the acquired skills will not be used.
Therefore, I would like to ask a few questions:
1) Have you or your friends encountered such compensation, and what were the conditions (term and amount of compensation)?
2) Is the game worth the candle in your opinion?
3) A naive question: are there firms that conduct such training without bondage? :)
Thanks in advance for your answers!

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5 answer(s)
ManWithBear, 2015-11-27

The main thing is to read the papers that you sign and think with your head. Then everything will be fine. What will be in the contract, so it will be.

Kefir043, 2015-12-07

Who pays - he dances (dictates conditions) (c)
What prevents you from paying on your own?
Otherwise, it resembles the approach of beggars on the porches near churches - when you give an amount of less than 500 rubles, they almost curse in
It was lucky that they didn’t end up in the days of the USSR, they would have ended up there by distribution .... somewhere where they really didn’t want to, but where personnel were required.
Well, either remember that it was possible to leave the village at the age of 50-60 only through service in the army, the villagers did not have pashparts according to the law + registration, and without it, they would not be able to settle further in the area where they were registered.

Konstantin Tsvetkov, 2016-06-14

Have you or your friends faced similar compensations, and what were the conditions (term and amount of compensation)?
I have a clause in my contract. Full compensation for training costs upon dismissal before three years after graduation.

semki096, 2016-06-23

Any contract can be challenged in court. If there is a chance - I would take advantage, for 5 years you can agree IMHO.

yupujexi, 2016-11-22

Do you like the job? Are you sure you will work?
So what's the problem?
What are you afraid of? Ask to be introduced to the team in advance.
In the employment contract, stipulate that the salary is not very small, so that you are sure that there will be a desire to work or the ability to pay - the whole thing is

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