rispen2011-08-05 20:01:00
Mobile devices
rispen, 2011-08-05 20:01:00

cheap tablet

For certain purposes, I needed a tablet. Because it will be rarely used, then the requirement will be one: Android 2.2 (or 2.1 in extreme cases) It is desirable to have at least an operating time of 4-5 hours. The price is about 3-5 thousand rubles, a purchase from the USA is possible. What do you advise?

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9 answer(s)
@antoo, 2011-08-05

In addition to tablets from Chinese friends, there are no options for this price.
See sites like dealextreme.com , alibaba.com

ob1, 2011-08-05

3-5 thousand rubles and 4-5 hours of work. Something doesn't add up here.

lukaville, 2011-08-06

Zenithink Zt-180 - after a little finishing, it is quite suitable. In some versions, you need to open it, unsolder one thing, flash it and it will work for 40 minutes more. In total will work at the minimum requirements about 4 hours. Android 2.2. 10 inch screen.

holyorb2, 2011-08-05

What is the initial bar for the minimum cost of an inexpensive tablet?

crimean, 2011-08-05

Yes, with such a price, you definitely need to look towards Chinese manufacturers. One of the verified stores is pandawill.com .

slaum, 2011-08-06

Bought a month ago: www.dealextreme.com/p/1080p-7-touch-screen-lcd-google-android-2-2-tablet-pc-w-wifi-hdmi-camera-tf-usb-cortex-a8- 1ghz-57770 I'm happy
as an elephant: it doesn't get stupid, doesn't slow down, clicks without delay, honest multi-touch, 3G modems and flash drives work (although not all), very high-quality assembly. Cons: Too heavy in my opinion.

MazeFAQa, 2011-08-06

Speed ​​is not impressive:
www.dealextreme.com/feedbacks/browseCustomerPhotos.dx/sku.58806 ~id.116581

pyJIoH, 2011-08-06

android renesas tablet . Excellent price-quality ratio. There is a review on Habré and a branch on w3bsit3-dns.com.

mihmig, 2011-08-06

I took in my city texet-7021 (Russian branded Ramos W10) 8 tr. - after flashing, everything seemed to be normal, except for a quiet sound and (well, this is understandable) a nasty resistive screen.

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