maniac_by2020-04-16 23:23:26
maniac_by, 2020-04-16 23:23:26

How to wipe devices from grease and dirt?

Hello. How and how to wipe devices from grease, dust, dirt, so that materials do not deteriorate, the same oleophobic on smart phones or plastic, other coatings on laptops? More about body fat interesting

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2 answer(s)
maniac_by, 2020-06-08

Didn't like the answers. I found a way for myself. First with water, then excess water is collected with microfiber. And the remains and wiping the display with a special napkin to collect water.

Vladislav Lyskov, 2020-04-16

You take a microfiber cloth, a little fairy, wipe it with it and then remove the remnants with a dry microfiber cloth.

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