driverx182017-09-04 03:29:09
Network administration
driverx18, 2017-09-04 03:29:09

Cheap hosting - what's the catch?

I created a site purely about myself, a contact form, portfolio, contacts, a blog, i.e. the site is not complicated, it does not need large capacities, tk. either customers or employers will enter it. So, I started looking for hosting, but the prices are high. Everywhere they write about power, etc. I found hosting for 44 rubles per month, the price is pleasant, what could be the catch? Because other sites offered higher prices.
And what kind of hosting does anyone advise for SIMPLE projects like such sites, or business card sites (inexpensive of course)? The only thing you need is that the archive with the project can be unpacked in the hosting panel, and that's it)

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5 answer(s)
Philipp, 2017-09-04

The main catch of such hosting is that the resources are shared. Most of the sites never use the space completely. In addition, such resources simply have very limited resources. For example, they allow insignificant traffic, for example, up to 1000 people per day. Then there is the decline in performance.
Need to buy more and more. Plus, there are savings on backups, support, etc. Again, don't expect a good response time, much less uptime.
For example, they have 1000 clients, each of which can afford 1 terabyte of space for 44 rubles per month. Let's take and calculate how much the most ordinary hard drive costs. Somewhere around 2000 rubles. We get several years for a simple payback. It takes several years to recoup such hosting. Nobody will wait for this. Therefore, a bet is made on 2 things - an annual subscription is actively offered, the relative inefficiency of resource use is used.
Usually the resources are used by beginners who have Jumla or WordPress, on which they put some kind of stale topic and fill the database with the necessary minimum of information. There are thousands of similar installations. On the server side, a special file system is installed that can work with duplicate files. Therefore, instead of millions of identical files, several hundred are stored. This approach saves a lot of space. It turns out that each new client stores ten times less information. It turns out that the multiplicity brings income. Usually, sites are not visited by a beginner, except perhaps by robots. And even then there are 3 pages, with very disgusting quality. Therefore, after the first pass, the robots are not very willing to return.
In addition, such resources have such an interesting quota as processor time. As soon as your site receives significant traffic (several thousand people per day), you start receiving chain letters.

oh, 2017-09-04
well @AnneSmith

in that you can’t do anything on that hosting, except to keep static pages
for each sneeze you will pay

coxbrain, 2017-09-04

Let's say Google Cloud can be obtained for FREE.
As long as you do not exceed the limits, they do not take money from you.

Nikolai, 2017-09-04

Cheap and free hosting is a marketing strategy aimed at making the client become attached to a particular company in order to squeeze money out of him when he is able to pay.
I see no reason to buy hosting for 44 rubles from whoever, when there is a free tariff from one of the largest hosting providers in the Russian Federation free.beget.ru

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