Vasily Vasilyev2018-04-04 15:48:05
Search Engine Optimization
Vasily Vasilyev, 2018-04-04 15:48:05

CEO site optimization on React(SPA/SSR)?

Background: It is necessary to create a small budget version of an online store, without being tied to a CMS (A site a la "minimum calories by weight and budget." I planned to send an order from the basket via SMTPJS to the mail). At the moment I'm picking towards React + minimal backing and database on Firebase .
Question: what is the current situation with site indexing on react, SPA/SSR in particular? I came across an article where it was written that, at the very least, only a Google bot can render js sites, and even there traffic drops by 20-30% when switching to SPA, which is not good.
At the same time, I found an interesting article broadcasting how to make SSR on Firebase Functions using React as an example.
Interested in the opinion of people directly involved in this black deed. Is it worth it to use such frameworks (I don’t consider React, Vue. Angular) and SSR for such a thing? Or is it better to cut down the good old statics (Jekyll?)?
I would be grateful for any advice.

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3 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2018-04-04

Google and Yasha may well be in Ajax ,
but they may be bad ,
so if the SEO and for the bot to understand what they are saying - less JS, only primitives

Oleg Gamega, 2018-04-04

Firebase for things like this is a very bad option
, why no cms ? cheaper and easier

Alex-1917, 2018-08-22

If you are so afraid of CMS, then what didn’t please the butter, have you tried it?)))
They say it’s cool and chocolate...

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