omonteko2017-02-08 15:50:49
omonteko, 2017-02-08 15:50:49

Can't change the text next to the cart icon on a Wordpress site?

There is a trash can icon in the corner of the site header. The badge is great, BUT... Next to it, the number of items added to the cart is displayed and it is not allowed 1 item or 5 items, but 1 item or 5 items - and it just doesn’t seem to fit in, this is how it looks, e3046021c55a45a4823d60060757d819.png
I decided to fix this problem and climbed into header.php Yes, to replace the values ​​of item and items with goods and goods, I did all this - here is a photo 1bbf9eb44d9b468dbc193275e7696302.png
, then I open the main one and see that when loading, it writes goods for 1 second and then immediately returns items. As soon as I didn’t use chemicals and cleared the cache and picked the child theme and climbed in the wokomers, nothing happens. HELP THE KRABARUK(((!!! PAZYAZTA!!!

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1 answer(s)
WP Panda, 2017-02-08

Because get_refreshed_fragment is triggered there In which the woocommerce_mini_cart() function is executed, which in turn connects the template templates/cart/mini-cart.php In which is what you are looking for. However, according to the correct translations in WP, they are not done this way, but this way

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