Sergey Romanov2014-11-11 07:50:25
Sergey Romanov, 2014-11-11 07:50:25

Can I already try Angular 2.0? Or is it time to use ES6?

There is a lot of noise around the second version of Angular. There are even code examples. But it's not clear how to set up the development environment for this version. It is not clear where the angular.js itself is tied. I did not find examples and lessons on hello world on Angular 2.0.
So the problem is this. You need to write a big application. The choice fell on Angular. But the estimated release date for the stable version is in a year. Yes, I know this is a lot for a modern production cycle, but it will be done slowly.
ES6 will be completed in January this year. And the wine oven will be delivered in June 2015. It's only 6 months. I'm sure browsers will apply this very quickly.
Since the difference between 1.3 and 2.0 is just a hundred big that it’s like a different framework in general, then rewriting it under 2nd-ku will not be the same as writing again.
Here is the dilemma. Start writing in Angular 2.0 right away? It is not clear how there is not even an alpha version. Write on 1.3, but what about in a year? Everything will be out-dated.

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11 answer(s)
Vyacheslav Plisko, 2014-11-11

Looking at the second version and knowing Google, it is better to continue writing either on the first version, or switch to some ember. While they write, while they fix bugs, while there is normal speed and support in different browsers, much more than a year will pass, and judging by how long even minor versions give birth, that's all 2-3.
We still can't use 1.3 due to compatibility issues.

_ _, 2014-11-11

Of course, take a deuce (anywhere)! At the same time, you will work as an alpha tester.

YemSalat, 2014-11-11

It is possible, but not in production
I doubt that 1.3 will be outdated in a year

Mikhail Osher, 2014-11-11

ES6 will be completed in January of this year

I don't think. Support is poor at the moment.
We use 1.3 and don't see the point in even thinking about 2.0 until all major browsers on all OSes support EcmaScript6.

re5pawn, 2015-05-18

Just for you, an article on how to use 2.0 - habrahabr.ru/post/253469

Andrey Astafiev, 2016-10-11

I recently took up the second Angular and studied this tutorial https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/tutorial/. Many points are not clear, but the main thing is to deal with routing and components, this was enough for me at the initial stage.
For normal work with the second angular, I had to find out what Gulp, TypeScript is.

DrunkMaster, 2017-01-28

Why don't you just like https://regex101.com/r/zBidt0/1 ?

Alexander, 2017-01-28


Tsimur_S, 2017-01-28

^a*b*c*d*e*f*g*h*i*j*k*l*m*n*o*p*q*r*s*t*u*v*w*x*y *z*$ same for Russian layout

T_y_l_e_r, 2017-01-28

From the end to the beginning, you need to write all the combinations, you get a very long expression with a separator or


Andryukha, 2017-01-29

as it is not very clear. here take the line: cba. Can we say that it has 3 sequences of letters in alphabetical order, or one? or for example: bcd, is that in alphabetical order?

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