k0t0pec2021-04-28 23:51:10
network hardware
k0t0pec, 2021-04-28 23:51:10

Are weekly reboots harmful to the router?

now in many routers there is a function for scheduling periodic reboots of the router. And I always set it up and turned it on (in my router, the maximum possible appointed time is a week). But now I wondered if such actions harm the router? Is this feature necessary or is it useless or even harmful? Can it shorten the service life of the router (especially if you plan to use it for 5-7 years), damage the eMMC memory, etc...?

Thanks to.

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4 answer(s)
Keffer, 2021-04-29

this function - scheduled reboots, is present in the cheapest Chinese penny routers. Because without periodic reboots, they stupidly hang. The goal is to reboot before the hang happens. Instead of sawing good hardware and firmware, Chinese coders took the path of least resistance, a software restart.

Adamos, 2021-04-29

Some shamanism. Rituals, divination on a microcircuit.
If you yourself do not know why you need this feature - why are you setting it up at all?
The principle "works - do not touch" did not appear from scratch.

Ruslan, 2021-05-04

Harmful but not very strong in any router There is a flash memory at startup, a small recording is made to it, and for any flash memory, the number of effort recording cycles is limited, even if you reboot every day, the router will last at least 10 years

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