HamSter2016-08-26 14:54:35
HamSter, 2016-08-26 14:54:35

Are there Russian analogues of Montserrat Alternates font?

I love this Montserrat Alternates font , but I can’t find a similar Cyrillic alphabet, maybe someone has met it.

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2 answer(s)
Neron, 2016-08-26

UPD: done! Monzerat and its alternatives are finally available in Cyrillic! Go to google fonts and download.
old answer:
Exactly Alternates - xs
And the original Montserrat is similar to Raleway (on Google it used to be with Cyrillic, right now for some reason it's not - but for sure there is on the net), Proxima Nova, Museo Sans

Ilya V., 2016-08-29


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