nektoTOS2015-05-05 03:32:01
Server equipment
nektoTOS, 2015-05-05 03:32:01

Are Dota 2 game servers installed in your region in order to lower ping?

Good afternoon to all readers!
I'll start with a background, I live far from central Russia, and from high-speed Internet. And that's why I'm having trouble with ping in my favorite game Dota 2, it stays high enough and it brought me to you with a question.
Is it possible to organize and install the so-called game server, say, very close in the region in order to lower the ping for users. You noticed, I still don’t quite understand what I’m saying ... But I understand that I can’t do it myself, that people will be needed, powerful hardware will be needed, some kind of software set, so I would like to read your thoughts and make the first list of necessary things. If I figure out the hardware and be able to put it closer to the multiplex room of a good backbone provider, then I don’t understand everything with the programs and their settings ... I would like to have not only a separate server, but that it be in the general valve system.
In the future, it may be possible to do this for Tankers, for example. And I also wonder why no one has done this yet ... most likely I misunderstand something.

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2015-05-05

play dota 1 locally and don't worry

Riard Brugekaaim, 2015-05-05

Well, as far as I know, she only has official servers. In other words, there are no home-grown servers like in CS or TF2 here and are unlikely to be expected. (in tanks the same situation)
The only way out is to make a petition, collect votes and send "personally into the hands" of Gabe.

Ruslan, 2015-05-05

Unfortunately, there are no open source servers in Dota 2 (there are only pirated ones, collected by enthusiasts at random ), in your case, either run Dota 2 in local network mode, or wait for good internet, or raise/find a free/buy VPN to the nearest valve server.

sivabur, 2015-05-10

Hamanchi) and create locally)

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